Image Numbers 381 & 382

The shipwreck on the Greek Island of Zakynthos is one of the most photographed coastal icons in Greece and features in all tour guides and Greek tourist information.  Originally a smuggler ship, which lost engine power in 1981 and was washed ashore in a magnificent small bay.  Cruise ships anchor there during the “season” and the beach is heavily crowded – it is not unusual to have 20 ships all moored off the beach, each putting a few hundred people ashore at once. For the ultimate picture there is a small viewing platform some 600ft above the wreck where most of the picture postcard shots are taken from.  The more precariously you lean out of the platform, the more of the wreck you can see........


Image Number 381 (lower)

The image was taken with a hand held Phase One 645 Camera at ISO 200. Exposure of 1/640th of a second and aperture F6.3.   45mm Phase One lens with focal plane shutter.   The image was captured on a Phase One IQ180 80 megapixel digital back.  

Image Number 382 (upper)

The image was taken with a hand held Phase One 645 Camera at ISO 100. Exposure of 1/350th of a second and aperture F6.3.   45mm Phase One lens with focal plane shutter.   The image was captured on a Phase One IQ180 80 megapixel digital back.