Image Number 245
The most famous of New Zealand’s many ferns is the silver fern, which is found only in New Zealand and can grow up to 10 metres high. This plant is a national icon—the national netball team are called the Silver Ferns, and the New Zealand All Blacks wear the fern on their jerseys. The Maori used to use the fern leaves to guide their path at night, by laying them silver-side up on the forest floor where they caught the moonlight.
The fern bark is home to a wide variety of moss and small plants. This image, complete with dew, was taken close up with a Zeiss macro lens.
This image was captured on a Contax 645 camera fitted with an 80 megixel Phase One digital back. ISO 35 and an exposure of 1.4 seconds at F8. A Zeiss 120mm macro lens was used.