New York City based artist Kazuya Morimoto was born and raised in Japan and studied at the Art Factory Institution Of Art with Makoto Arimichi in Japan. Shortly after graduation, Kazuya moved to New York City to study painting at the Art Students League. He was awarded several grants and scholarships and has had exhibitions and public art displayed in New York, Chicago and Washington DC. Recently Kazuya Morimoto has been devoting most of his time to painting the streets of New York City, especially historical preservation areas such as Greenwich Village, the West Village, and nearby neighborhoods. He has been archiving old shop fronts and capturing the moments of local scenes before they change and lose their current quality. He attends local art events and helps to save and revitalize the uniqueness of local scenes. Atticus encountered him in a delicatessen window in Edinburgh and shot this image without knowing he was capturing an internationally-known artist at work.

The lower image shows the particular buildings that Kazuya Morimoto was painting.


The image was taken with a tripod-mounted Phase One 645XF Camera at ISO 200. Exposure of 1/125th of a second and an aperture of F5. Schneider Kreuznach 80 mm lens with leaf shutter. The image was captured on a Phase One IQ3 100 megapixel digital back.