The Sicilian town of Ortygia (also spelled Ortigia) is Syracuse’s enchanting centro storico (old town), set upon an ancient island and rich with history and charm. Connected to the mainland by several impressive bridges, the beating heart of Syracuse has seen more than 2,500 years of life thrum through its streets, and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thanks to its compact proportions, Ortygia is easy to explore, and packed with an impressive number of sights . It also teems with tourists and it is almost impossible to take images without them.
The image was taken with a hand-held Phase One 645XF Camera at ISO 200. Exposure of 1/500th of a second and an aperture of f6.3. Schneider Kreuznach 45 mm lens with leaf shutter. The image was captured on a Phase One IQ3 100 megapixel digital back.